Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Somebody that I used to know

Sea, sand and the beach. Just the four of them had stayed back - Ravi, Sandhya, Meera and Arif. Meera was on the wheel, driving at top speed, but given she was already a few drinks drive, she stopped to ask if anyone else could take over. Arif volunteered - " I don't drink, let me do it."

Ravi and Sandhya had been glad to get away from their crowded two-bedroom house, filled with relatives to make some time for each other. In the hustle bustle of the city, the two hardly spent any time alone together as a couple. Meera liked Sandhya, she had an honest and open way of putting things across, nothing hidden behind sweet words. 

They let Ravi and Sandhya occupy the back seat and geared up for the adventure. There was a cool sea-breeze coming their way and the air smelt moist and salty. 

Arif liked the way Meera smiled, her smile spreading to her eyes, but today there was more to it. Her usual reserved self was absent, she was carefree and laughing with abandon. Perhaps the drinks had worked their magic, he wouldn't know, he didn't drink, but he felt a warm glow in his heart. 

Meera settled down next to him, feeling slightly flustered for the first time through the night. He as always was quiet and looked at her with the same gentle look she remembered from their first meeting. It was so easy to speak to him. "So where are we going?" she asked. 

"Morjim, it's a relatively quieter beach. It should be close by somewhere."

"Do you know your way about?"

"Yes, I've been there before"

After an hour of trying to locate the beach, the felt they were still running around in circles. So, they flagged down the first set of people they saw, some Russians, to ask for directions and were then amused at the irony of asking foreigners for directions in their own country. 

Suddenly the sound of the sea seemed to be close by. They stopped the car near a tree and got off to explore. Walking down a small pathway lined with palm trees, they could hear the sea roaring and calling to them and finally they were confronted by the vast void, which was the sea and an unending stretch of the beach.

Somewhere she understood what was so special about Morjim. In a place which is by now littered with tourists, this was a quite haven.

The married couple quietly made their way off enjoying the solitude their overcrowded house in Badlapur, just outside of Mumbai never afforded them.

"So you seem to know Goa quite well."

"Have you seen Dil Chahta Hai?"

"Of course"

"Well, so it was like that growing up in Mumbai, Goa every weekend."


"Nah, just that most Mumbaikars end up in Goa very often when they’re in college."

"Did you come with family or friends?"

There was a pause and then he whispered

"I lost my father during the riots in the early 90s, we didn't really go on holidays with family for a long time after that."

There was an awkward silence after this, she felt accused of something she hadn't done, she wasn't sure why he shared this with her. 

He smiled to diffuse the tension and said - "Somethings are beyond our control but become a defining point of our lives. For me it's always been life pre and post what happened then. One learns to cope and come to terms over time. Don't look so distressed, you have a beautiful smile. "

And then quickly added - "Do you want to go to Baga? You’ll really appreciate Morjim then."

"I’m up for anything, but hope you know the way and we won’t get lost"

"Nah Baga is easier to find, just follow the bright lights."

They had to break up the happy couple who were again making the most of solitude this vast stretch of land had to offer.

"Should we head to Baga?"

"Yeah, why not!"

So, the four set off again. And it did prove to be easier to find. There were bright lights stretching out to the skies from what seemed like discos by the sea. The beach was lined with bamboo shacks and there was loud music coming out of all of them.

The married couple didn’t like this place too much and decided to head back to the resort on their own. They took a cab and bid farewell. 

Meera and Arif sneaked into one of the shacks which seemed to be having a karaoke night. There was loud music, but the songs were good.

The Emcee spotted the two of them and called them over to sing along.

"No, I’m not really a singer, why don’t you go."

"I’ll sing only if you sing along."

She pulled a long faced and refused.

"Oh, come on both of you, come over."

Meera still refused and it was left up to Arif to take the mantle.

The music started to play slowly

"So, what’s your name?" asked the Emcee


He looked straight at her and started to sing along

"Now and then I think of when we were together…"


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